There is a wealth of birds in our parish because of the diversity in the landscape - River Severn - Meadows - Copses - Hedgerows and Ponds and of course our own gardens . We aim to look after these habitats for many years to come so we can continue to enjoy our fascinating birdlife. Thank you to the following villagers who have sent photographs and videos of their sightings.

Nuthatch - Photo taken by Greg Smith -Dipper`s Cottage Apperley.
Thursday 17th March - Reed bunting sighted on bird feeder - Dipper`s Cottage.

A regular visitor - the jay -Dipper`s Cottage Apperley

February 28th - Sparrow hawk - on fence at 2 Westview Apperley- keeping his eye on the sparrows!

Juvenile Green Woodpecker spotted in clay pot - 2 Westview.